IJET -Volume 4, Issue 2 , March - April 2018
Title/Author Name
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Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile AD HOC Network Though Replication for Efficient File Sharing
- T.Karunakaran, S.Suganthi
File sharing applications in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted more and more attention in recent years. The efficiency of file querying suffers from the distinctive properties of such networks including node mobility and limited communication range and resource. An intuitive method to alleviate this problem is to create file replicas in the network. Hoitver, despite the efforts on file replication, no research has focused on the global optimal replica creation with minimum average querying delay. Specifically, current file replication protocols in mobile ad hoc networks have two shortcomings. First, they lack a rule to allocate limited resources to different files in order to minimize the average querying delay. Second, they simply consider storage as available resources for replicas, but neglect the fact that the file holders’ frequency of meeting other nodes also plays an important role in determining file availability. Actually, a node that has a higher meeting frequency with others provides higher availability to its files. This becomes even more evident in sparsely distributed MANETs, in which nodes meet disruptively. In this project, it introduce a new concept of resource for file replication, which considers both node storage and meeting frequency. It theoretically study the influence of resource allocation on the average querying delay and derive a resource allocation rule to minimize the average querying delay. It further propose a distributed file replication protocol to realize the proposed rule. Extensive trace-driven experiments with synthesized traces and real traces show that our protocol can achieve shorter average querying delay at a loitr cost than current replication protocols. Keyword: Mobile access, Ad hoc, networks.× ![]() T.Karunakaran, S.Suganthi,"Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile AD HOC Network Though Replication for Efficient File Sharing" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 646 - 648 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Personalized web Search Using User Profile
- P.Karthik, M.Thirupathi
Personalized web search (PWS) used for improving the quality of various search services on the Internet. Users might experience failure when search engines return irrelevant results that do not meet their real intentions. Such irrelevance is largely due to the enormous variety of users’ contexts and backgrounds, as well as the ambiguity of texts. However, evidences show that user’s private information during search has become known to publicly due to proliferation of PWS. We propose a PWS framework called UPS that can adaptively generalize profiles by queries while respecting user specified privacy requirements. Keyword: Web page, profile, level.× ![]() P.Karthik, M.Thirupathi"Reduction of Water Vapour by Using Shade Balls" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 649 - 651 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Cloud Network communication based on a Deduplication of Multi-User Storage
- A.Sukanya, P. Veera Muthu
As the managed plans to greater ability for verified resolves, the clients of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) are increasing more ubiquity. With the secure addition of distributed garage adopters, records de-duplication has become a want for cloud providers. In distributed storage administrations data de-duplication is one of key organizations to minimize the expanse requests of administrations by way of selection off model replacements of iterating details and position left allowed model of them. But it signals to security troubles when particular clients distribute weak records to the fixed storage. As of previous allocated, a limited de-duplication procedures been suggested to take care of this problem. However the general public of the plans enjoy the injured effects of security issues, given that they don't take into account the dynamic changes inside the requirement for data. In this paper, a single server-facet de-duplication plan is future for shared data that uses RCE and collecting key administration mechanism. The proposed plan approves that one-of-a-kind authorized access to the common details is possible. The security of the de-duplication systems is provided by means of making use of right encryption systems. Keyword: Cloud Computing, Deduplication, Multi-user Storage.× ![]() A.Sukanya, P. Veera Muthu"A Cloud Network communication based on a Deduplication of Multi-User Storage" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 652 - 656 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Survey Cloud Storage Service Based on Multi Part of a Data Security Mechanism
- S.Zeba, P. Veera Muthu
We propose a two-factor data security protection system with issue revocability for Cloud storage System. Our frame supports a sender to send a matted message to a receiver through a Cloud storage server. The sender as it were has to know the character of the receiver but no other data, (for example, its open key or its confirmation). The receiver needs to have two things to decode the encryption text. The primary thing is his/her new reach position left in the system. The second thing is an unexpected specific security gadget which associates with the system. It is difficult to decode the encryption text without either section. All the more imperatively, once the security gadget is stolen or lost, this device is excluded. It can't be utilized to decode any encryption text. This should be possible by the cloud server which will quickly implement a few designs to change the current encryption text to be un-decrypt able by this gadget. This technique is totally direct to the sender. Besides, the cloud server can't decode any encryption text whenever. The security and making analysis show that our system isn't just secure yet moreover down to useful. Keyword: - - - .× ![]() S.Zeba, P. Veera Muthu"A Survey Cloud Storage Service Based on Multi Part of a Data Security Mechanism" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 657 - 661 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Thermal Combustion of Rice Husk to Generate Product Gas for Engine Applications
- M.Mathanmohan, S.Vivekanandan
Increasing demand of fuel leads to increases in the fuel rates, due to depletion of the available fossil fuel. So, the need of alternative source of energy to meet the rural/urban demand. The combustible gas from agriculture biomass is plays a major potential sources for energy production. As an agriculture country, India has large biomass resources nearly 40 to 60 percentage of agriculture residues either put to inefficient use. Thermal combustion is a versatile thermo-chemical conversion process which produces a gas mixture of H2, CO and CH4 that can be used for heat and power applications. In this work, a circulating bed gasifier was designed and developed to use rice husk as a feed stock. An investigation was also carried out to evaluate the performance and emission parameters of a CI engine developing rated power of 3.7 kW at a maximum speed of 1500rpm running on a dual fuel operation. The product gas was introduced in the inlet manifold of engine along with air flow rate at 40%, 60% and 80% load condition with respect to the full load. Diesel was injected into the engine as primary fuel and producer gas was injected as secondary fuel. The results obtained from the dual fuel mode were compared with standard primary fuel operation. Results indicated that a decrease in the consumption of diesel was observed upto 14 % when operated on dual fuel mode though there was a reduction in brake thermal efficiency. Oxides of nitrogen was found to be very low in dual fuel operation which is a great advantage over diesel alone, but CO and HC emission for dual fuel mode was found to be higher than diesel. Keyword: Biomass product, producer gas, Fluidized bed, IC engine.× ![]() M.Mathanmohan, S.Vivekanandan"Thermal Combustion of Rice Husk to Generate Product Gas for Engine Applications" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 662 - 676 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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- Nayana Matta, BhuvanTej kanigiri
This paper presents the most economical and flexible solution to control and operate home appliances using Smart Plug devices. The Smart Plug is a power switch which functions via Wi-Fi connection. It consists a current sensor, two temperature sensors and an IR emitter. Users can plug devices into the Smart Plug to remotely switch power on/off, get information of device’s power consumption and ambient temperature, and simultaneouslycontrol the nearby devices using the integrated IR-emitter. There are two ways to access Smart Plug that is, either connecting it directly in Wi-Fi Ad-Hoc mode or connecting it with a router in WiFi infrastructure mode and accessing online with IP-connectivity. The paper utilizes Restful based Web services in which the overall system architecture is Client/server model and the Web client use JavaScript and Ajax to transfer data. An Android-based Smartphone application employs standard operations such as Get and Post requests that return responses to communicate between the remote user and the Web server. It depends on the user how to use the smart plug, they can use smart plug as lighting switch, timing switch, infrared controller and temp regulator. Keyword: Smart Plug, REST, WiFi, Smart Home, Android Smartphone.× ![]() Nayana Matta, BhuvanTej kanigiri"APPLIFI APPLIANCES CONTROLLED USING WIFI" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 677 - 680 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Effect of Fluid Density and Temperature on Discharge Coefficient of Ogee Spillways Using Physical Models
- M. Sreenivasulu Reddy, DR Y. Ramalinga Reddy
Spillways are constructed to allow excess flood safely to downstream of a dam. In any dams spillways are used for passing of water flow that exceeds the designed capacity. Most of the dams fail due to insufficient spillway capacity or inappropriate design. Spillways are structures, used for measuring water pass of canals and many other applications. Hence lots of efforts have been made in increasing accuracy of flow measurement of such structures. The structure of the Spillway is a major problem in fixing the type of spillway and its design for construction of dam. Taking into account appropriate discharge coefficient and investigation of spillway for long term hydraulic performance plot are understood to be important. Spillways are of the most important structure, upper limit of the curved is designed in a way that it will be closer to lower profile of water pass which is ventilated on a sharp crest and is in appropriate with water pass. Preventing ventilation under the water pass, there is a contact between spilled water and spillway head profile. This work presents suitable graphs for selection and supply based on type of fluid flowing on the spillways as the key elements to use this type of spillways in construction of dams. To do this, physical-hydraulic model and observed Power Industry performed measurement tests and hydraulic parameters were analyzed and discharge coefficient in different fields including surface roughness in Ogee spillway model were studied. Increase of density and temperature of water over spillway the discharge coefficient decreases. Also from experiments results it is found that for different discharges, with the increase in density decrees the performance and increase in temperature decreases the performance. Keyword: Ogee Spillways, density, relative density, Temperature.× ![]() M. Sreenivasulu Reddy, DR Y. Ramalinga Reddy"Effect of Fluid Density and Temperature on Discharge Coefficient of Ogee Spillways Using Physical Models" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 681 - 686 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Analytical study of Reinforced Concrete Element strengthened with polypropylene fibers subjected to Elevated Temperature
- Bhavana B, Tejaswini K
Risk of accidents due to fire is more often and has become a common occurrence leading to the loss of lives and property In this regard, the study investigates the effects of fire on concrete members reinforced or strengthened with polypropylene fibers. The amount of spalling and the extent of cracking of concrete can considerably be reduced by use of suitable amount of polypropylene fibers. In this paper, finite element software ANSYS is used for studying the temperature propagation in concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. An attempt will be done to study the impact of fire on reinforced concrete structural components considering a beam member of cross sectional dimensions 230mm × 600mm providing clear cover according to the specifications of fire safety building code. Based on these parametric studies, results including the effects of high temperature on properties of fiber reinforced concrete together with the strength, stiffness, thermal stress, thermal strains under load and heat flux will be obtained by performing the analysis. Keyword: Temperature, Polypropylene, fiber, Thermal analysis, clear cover, ANSYS.× ![]() Bhavana B, Tejaswini K"Analytical study of Reinforced Concrete Element strengthened with polypropylene fibers subjected to Elevated Temperature" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 687 - 693 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Efficient Analsysis on Map Reduce-Based Ensemble Learning Technique with Several Classifier Methods and Impact of Diversity for Condition-Based Maintenance with Concept Drifts
- Alampally Sreedevi, Kavitha Gopu
Condition-based maintenance (CBM) in Industry 4.0 gathers an enormous measure of generation information stream persistently from IoT gadgets appended to machines to conjecture the time when to keep up machines or supplant parts. Be that as it may, as conditions of machines change progressively with time inferable from machine maturing, glitch or substitution, the concept of catching the guaging design from the information stream could float erratically so it is elusive a strong determining technique with high accuracy. Subsequently, this work proposes a group learning strategy with different classifier composes and assorted variety for CBM in assembling ventures, to address the predisposition issue when utilizing just a single base classifier write. Beside controlling information assorted variety, this strategy incorporates numerous classifier writes, dynamic weight changing, and information based adaption to concept drifts for disconnected learning models, to advance accuracy of the determining model and exactly identify and adjust to concept drifts. With these highlights, the proposed technique requires capable registering assets to viably react to down to earth CBM applications. Consequently, moreover, the execution of this strategy based on the MapReduce framework is proposed to increment computational productivity. Recreation comes about demonstrate that this strategy can recognize and adjust to all concept drifts with a high accuracy rate. Keyword: Concept drift, ensemble learning, mapReduce, condition-based maintenance, Industry 4.0.× ![]() Alampally Sreedevi, Kavitha Gopu"Efficient Analsysis on Map Reduce-Based Ensemble Learning Technique with Several Classifier Methods and Impact of Diversity for Condition-Based Maintenance with Concept Drifts" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 694 - 705 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Compressive Analysis on Skyline Computations with Partially Ordered Domains Using Indexing Techniques
- R Veera Babu, Annabathina Chandra Babu
Proficient processing of skyline queries with partially ordered domains has been seriously addressed in recent years. To further reduce the query processing time to support high-responsive applications, the skyline queries that were previously processed with user preferences similar to those of the new query contribute helpful hopeful result focuses. Thus, the answered queries can be stored with both their results and the user preferences to such an extent that the query processor can rapidly retrieve the result for another query only from the result sets of reserved queries with perfect user preferences. While storing a noteworthy number of queries amassed over time, it is basic to receive compelling access methods to record the reserved queries to retrieve an arrangement of relevant reserved queries for encouraging the reserve based skyline query computations. In this paper, we propose a broadened depth-first search indexing method (e-DFS for short) for getting to user preference profiles represented by directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), and stress the outline of the e-DFS encoding that adequately encodes a user preference profile into a low-dimensional feature point which is in the long run filed by a R-tree. We acquire one or more traversal orders for every hub in a DAG by traversing it through a changed version of the depth-first search which is used to inspect the topology structure and strength relations to measure closeness or similarity. As a result, e-DFS which joins the criteria of similarity evaluation can greatly reduce the search space by filtering out a large portion of the irrelevant reserved queries with the end goal that the query processor can abstain from getting to the entire informational collection to register the query results. Broad experiments are presented to demonstrate the performance and utility of our indexing method, which outperforms the gauge arranging strategies by reducing 37% of the computational time on average. Keyword: Indexing Methods, Query Processing, Multi-Dimensional Databases, Data Management.× ![]() R Veera Babu, Annabathina Chandra Babu"Compressive Analysis on Skyline Computations with Partially Ordered Domains Using Indexing Techniques" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 706 - 712 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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