IJET -Volume 4, Issue 5 , Sept - Oct 2018
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E-Learning Development As a Technology Acceptance Model Base on Service Oriented Architecture Approach- Ahmad Mubarok, Ainin Najmi, Amin Rizkiyanto
In e-learning development many methods for application architecture are used,one of which is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an approach that makes application functions as services, which are packaged as components that can be reused and are independent. The development of e-learning requires an appropriate design so that the connected parts can communicate with each other. Information systems can be said to fail if the user turns out to be unable to accept or is not willing to use the information system. SMK 4 Pandeglang implements an e-learning system to support the teaching and learning process. Mandatory users of this e-learning are teachers and students. This research was conducted to test the acceptance of users (students) of e-learning by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The level (if statistic significance) = 0,000 smaller than 0.05 in the table above shows that there is a significant effect of usefulness variable (X1) and convenience variable (X2) on the acceptance variable (Y). Thus, the hypothesis which states that usefulness factor (X1) and convenience factor (X2) together influence acceptance (Y) can be accepted. This result certainly strengthens the theory of TAM which states that there are two key factors that determine the acceptance of information technology / information systems, namely perceived usefulness and ease (perceived ease of use). Keyword: E-learning, Service Oreinted Architecture, User Acceptance Analysis, Technology Acceptance Model.× ![]() Ahmad Mubarok, Ainin Najmi, Amin Rizkiyanto "E-Learning Development As a Technology Acceptance Model Base on Service Oriented Architecture Approach" Volume 4 - Issue 5 (217-228) - Sept - Oct 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Vibration Impact on Human Body Using Analytical and Numerical Modelling- Prashanth A. S, Amith kumar S N
A three dimensional finite element model is developed and analysed using computational software. A 15degrees of freedom (DOF) lumped parameter model is made has continuous model and considered for modal analysis using finite element method. The human body is made up of 3 dimensional ellipsoids with 5 percent truncation. The material properties have been assigned from 15 DOF lumped parameter model and natural frequencies obtained for the developed model are compared with finite element method results obtained in the past literatures. Principle resonance frequency of the human body obtained from finite element method is 6.45 Hz. Mode shapes and deformations due to whole body vibration in all resonance frequency ranges are numerically obtained and found to be within the range of available literature. The model is also analysed analytically by solving governing equations for Eigen values and natural frequencies. Keyword: E-learning, Service Oreinted Architecture, User Acceptance Analysis, Technology Acceptance Model.× ![]() Prashanth A. S, Amith kumar S N "Vibration Impact on Human Body Using Analytical and Numerical Modelling" Volume 4 - Issue 5 (229-234) - Sept - Oct 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Application of Eulerian & Hamiltonian Cycle in Travelling- Swati Bhadgale
Graph theory is a branch of mathematics which has wide application in travelling & Operation research.In this article we have discussed the application of Hamiltonian cycle & eulerian cycle in travelling. Keyword: Eulerian cycle, Hamiltonian cycle, cycle, graph.× ![]() Swati Bhadgale "Application of Eulerian & Hamiltonian Cycle in Travelling" Volume 4 - Issue 5 (235-239) - Sept - Oct 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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